Definition: Utilizing descriptive data to help users understand content in context.

Some forms of abuse require platform-level views and metrics to identify. Platforms have access to many metrics on individual pieces of content that regular users have no insight into, as well as evaluations of the standard ranges for those metrics across the full platform. In most cases, platforms seek to keep this information to themselves - disclosing it could risk shedding too much light on platform operations and mechanisms. However, in some cases, platforms should consider sharing these metrics to help contextualize information on the platform.

Interventions that follow this pattern can be broadly described as "History" interventions. They help users make sense of content by giving them better insight into the user behind the content, and the pattern that the content fits into.

Note: well designed interventions in this space will require significant privacy and security mitigations, and will need to think about how to balance the objectives of user control over their representation + identity + privacy, with objectives of transparency and accuracy.

Interventions using this Approach

Media Provenance
Record and display the chain of custody and original source for media.
Crowdsourced Metadata
Allow users limited access to content metadata, and enable them to highlight this on the posts of other users.
Save Extensive Metadata
Recording extensive metadata about sensitive activity can reduce criminal appeal.
Label/Detect Identical Content
For some features, duplicate data suggests misuse.