If you'd like to contribute to the project, you'll need credentials to access the content management system. Members of the Integrity Institute can request credentials by reaching out to our editing team.
This site is a wiki - it is intended to never be complete. We hope that you (yes you!) contribute your ideas, feedback, and edits to the site, to make it a stronger resource, and a true community effort. We will try to respond to suggestions within a week, and hope to get them into the platform within two. Suggesting an edit couldn't be simpler:
If you find this work valuable, it's likely you know some other people who also might find it valuable. Please help us out by sharing this with them!
If you want to make a bunch of edits, rather than submitting each as a bug, consider becoming a contributor to the project. Contributors have edit access to the content-management system for the site, where you can quickly and easily change every element of content and data on the site, no technical experience required.
To get credentials, reach out with a brief bio, and a description of what you want to work on, and a timeline for your work.
Is something broken? Report it here.
The data is available here as a JSON blob which is the source of truth for the production site, but is itself pulled from Strapi. You can find it (and all previous published versions of it) in the Github Repo. The JSON blob represents the structure of the data as seen by the frontend, and is probably most suited for other applications.
Upon request, we can provide you with the postgresql dump of the database if helpful. The Postgresql dump represents the backend as seen by Strapi, and will be hard to use without running a Strapi instance, but might be useful if that is your targeted platform. Additionally, if you'd prefer access to the Graphql playground for this data, we're happy to provide that link as well. Please reach out, we're here to serve.
The data is licensed under a CC0 licence, so you can use it however you want with no restrictions. On a personal (very non legal) level, please do let us know if you use this data, because it would help us understand how it is reaching folks.
If you have any questions about the data, please reach out, we're here assist with any and all of your questions.