

Definition: Persistent, unwanted surveillance of an individual, often causing fear and distress.
Legal Status:
Can be illegal
Platform ToS:
Allowed by Policy
Victim Visibility:
Contextually Sensitive
TSPA Abuse Type:
User Safety: Harassment and Bullying

Stalking entails the unwanted, and often obsessive, monitoring of anther person's activities, both on and offline. Online platforms inadvertently support stalkers by providing easy access to extensive personal information. Capabilities like the ability to monitor social media profiles, track locations, and engage in unwelcome communication all help a stalker more easily track and harass their victim. The ease of accessing personal data, combined with the limited visibility that the victim has into the behavior of their stalker, amplifies the potential harm caused by stalking, as perpetrators can remain hidden while more easily invading their victims' virtual and physical spaces.

Platforms have the ability to make themselves less useful for stalking. For example, platforms can help victims of stalking more easily and quickly exercise control over the visibility of and contents of their digital profiles. Platforms can also place basic safeguards on their capacities for search to prevent unintended and malicious use.

What features facilitate Stalking?

Individuals' ability to represent themselves in a digital space.
Locating and ranking content to be responsive to a user's query.

How can platform design prevent Stalking?

Bulk Location Takedown Tools
Allow a user to scrub their profile of location data while leaving other data intact.
Right-size content visibility
Place limits on the amount of harm content can cause on a platform by restricting its reach.
No Search by Location
When abusers can discover content and accounts by location, the creators of content are in danger.
All Subscriptions Reciprocal
Require "following" to be bidirectional to avoid an exponential distribution of reach and attention.
Don't allow posting of Location
Use content filters to prevent users from posting addresses, latitude/longitude coordinates, or other location data.
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