Definition: Spurred by a specific and individualized animus.

Motivates Harms

Harassment / Cyberbullying
Unwanted and repeated behavior that threatens, annoys, or intimidates a victim.
Self-Harm Amplification
The exacerbation and normalization of self-destructive behavior.
Divulging someone's personal information, like location, in order to harass them.
Posting disingenuous provocative messages to intentional elicit emotional reactions.
Online Shaming
Using the internet to publicly shame or ridicule.
Making false reports to emergency services in order to bring a victim into confrontation with law enforcement.
Echo Chamber
The unconscious tendency for people to surround themselves with media that align with their existing views.
Persistent, unwanted surveillance of an individual, often causing fear and distress.
Deceptively assuming the identity of a real person.
Location Misuse
Malicious use of geo-location data to stalk, harass, or harm.
Confirmation Bias
The tendency to seek and prioritize information that aligns with preexisting beliefs.
Is something missing, or could it be better?