Harm Motivation:


Definition: Driven by the pursuit of profit, through legal or illegal means.

Motivates Harms

Unsolicited solicitations with commercial or promotional intent.
Using impersonation to trick a victim into revealing sensitive information.
Software built to gain unauthorized access to computers.
Commercial offerings that intentionally deceive their participants.
Multi Level Marketing
Sales organizations that grow primarily through an expansion in membership.
Health Misinformation
Inaccurate claims, unsupported opinions or conspiracy theories about health that cause personal and public health harms.
Deceptively assuming the identity of a real person.
Copyright/IP Infringement
Unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution of works covered by intellectual property protections.
Resource Abuse
Creating generalized network, storage, or compute resources by misusing low-cost resources on the open internet.
Ad Fraud
Boosting advertising income through fraudulent user activity.
Employing strategies to encourage users to engage with more frequency and investment than the user would prefer.
Identity Theft
Stealing credentials or other personal information, typically for financial impersonation.
Profile Building
Collecting and collating information about a user from across the internet in order to create a representational model of their interests and attitudes.
Malware which holds a user's data as a hostage until a ransom is paid.
Filter Bubbles
Algorithmically driven content selection that prioritizes content that aligns with the user's prior ideas.
Money Laundering
Disguising the origins of illegally obtained funds to make them appear legitimate.
Account Hijacking
Unauthorized takeover of someone else's account.
Collecting high value usernames for resale, ransom or confusion, rather than for use.
Feedback bombing
Attempting to manipulate perception of an entity through large volumes of inauthentic feedback.
Account Resale
Selling stolen account credentials to enable users to assume new identities.
Promoting Illegal Activity
Advocating or facilitating actions that are explicitly prohibited by law.
Coordinated Inauthentic Activity
Manipulating online platforms through coordinated creation of inaccurate data.
Incentivizing Dangerous Behavior
Creating dynamics in which dangerous activity is glorified and implicitly encouraged.
Posting disingenuous provocative messages to intentional elicit emotional reactions.
Artificial Intimacy
The creation of an a unidirectional emotional connection, often for manipulation.
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