
Copyright/IP Infringement

Definition: Unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution of works covered by intellectual property protections.
Legal Status:
Almost always illegal
Platform ToS:
Violates Policy
Victim Visibility:
Inherent in Content
TSPA Abuse Type:
Deceptive & Fraudulent Behavior: Intellectual Property

Copyright refers to the legal right that creators have over their original work, protecting it from unauthorized reproduction or distribution. Those who infringe upon intellectual property (IP) often do so with the motivation to gain financial or social benefits without the consent or compensation to the original creator, though many others who infringe do so inadvertently. While copyright infringement is generally illegal, enforcement is lax on many online platforms and countries, except for the largest and most scrutinized platforms.

Platform design plays a significant role in the facilitation of copyright infringement. Algorithms that recommend copyrighted content, the capability for users to distribute files to large audiences, and search features that make it easy to locate copyrighted material all contribute to the issue. To mitigate these issues, platforms can implement design features that restrict the unintended use of their services for copyright infringement. This can include limitations on the size and type of files that can be uploaded, stricter content identification algorithms, and limitations on file visibility. Such design choices can render a platform less conducive for IP violations without significantly hampering its intended utility.

Copyright infringement serves as yet another poignant example of how platform design can either abet or deter content-based harm. Simple alterations in design can drastically reduce a platform's utility for infringing activities, underscoring the significant role that design choices have in reducing the need for content moderation.

What features facilitate Copyright/IP Infringement?

Locating and ranking content to be responsive to a user's query.
File/Link Sharing
The capacity of one user to publish or share files or links with other users.

How can platform design prevent Copyright/IP Infringement?

Label/Detect Identical Content
For some features, duplicate data suggests misuse.
Because there is a strong financial motivation for a reporter:
Reporting Mechanisms
Allow users to flag content or behavior that they find to be abusive.
Right-size content visibility
Place limits on the amount of harm content can cause on a platform by restricting its reach.
Don't support large files
Large, high quality, high volume uploads are both risky and expensive.
Is something missing, or could it be better?