Harm Actor:


Definition: Legally constructed and constrained profit-seeking entities.

Plays a role in Harms

Multi Level Marketing
Sales organizations that grow primarily through an expansion in membership.
Employing strategies to encourage users to engage with more frequency and investment than the user would prefer.
Profile Building
Collecting and collating information about a user from across the internet in order to create a representational model of their interests and attitudes.
Filter Bubbles
Algorithmically driven content selection that prioritizes content that aligns with the user's prior ideas.
Feedback bombing
Attempting to manipulate perception of an entity through large volumes of inauthentic feedback.
Incentivizing Dangerous Behavior
Creating dynamics in which dangerous activity is glorified and implicitly encouraged.
Artificial Intimacy
The creation of an a unidirectional emotional connection, often for manipulation.
Is something missing, or could it be better?