, change the design of Subscriptions.

Request to Follow

Definition: Make Following a two-sided operation, so that celebs have implicit limits on the ability of fans to follow them.
Kind of Intervention:
Challenging to Rollout
Technical Difficulty:

Just like in only reciprocal subscriptions, the structure of subscriptions imposes implicit limitations on their usage. Imposing limitations on the capacity of subscriptions to grow can limit influencer-type dynamics, encouraging users to share and spread ideas, without encouraging the winner-take-all, attention-above-everything dynamics that emerge when orders of magnitude distinguish the reach and influence of some users over others.

One idea in this vein is to require that people "accept" follow requests. This wouldn't quite be all-subscriptions-reciprocal, since it would still allow for unidirectional subscriptions. However, even forcing a user to tap an "accept" button over and over would seriously pose a limit on their capacity to grow their following. The most dedicated influencers might accept 1000 or even 10,000 "follow requests" from potential followers. But it's hard to imagine users ever overcoming this friction to expand into the echelons of reach that social media influencers enjoy and utilize in today's winner-take-all attention economy.

Is something missing, or could it be better?