Intervention Category:

Escalating Penalty

Definition: Treat patterns of behavior as more serious than their disaggregated constituent elements.

On digital platforms today, "escalating penalties" have become a cornerstone of content moderation approaches. This strategy recognizes that not all infractions are created equal, and a pattern of policy-violating behavior warrants more severe repercussions than isolated incidents comprising the same content. Imagine a user making an off-color joke; it might merit a warning, signaling that the content is not appropriate. However, if the behavior continues, the penalties intensify, progressing toward, in extreme cases, permanent exclusion from the platform. This mirrors the way we think about and anticipate punishments and leniency from systems where behavior is evaluated in the real world like schools, governments, and even interpersonal relationships.

This approach, when executed well, can serve as both a deterrent and an educational tool. When users face consequences that intensify with repeated violations, they're given checkpoints at which they are pushed to reassess and adjust their behavior. Pairing these penalties with educational resources is crucial. When a penalty is issued, it should accompanied by information explaining the infraction and providing context on why such content is harmful or unacceptable. This method assumes users' good intent, aiming to guide them back toward acceptable participation norms, rather than punishing them as a form of retribution.

Escalating penalties excel in situations where users may be unaware that their behavior is problematic, perhaps because they're new to the platform or unfamiliar with its cultural norms. Once informed, users have the capacity to constrain their behavior, even to norms or ideals that they don't personally accept or hold. However, this system has its limitations, particularly when dealing with highly motivated actors who seek to circumvent or obviate these rules. These individuals often understand the system of leniency within escalating punishments well enough to exploit them, engaging in harmful behavior while avoiding the triggers for more severe penalties. They might also repeatedly test the boundaries of lower-level sanctions, knowing they won't result in significant consequences. Thus, while escalating penalties are part of a robust content moderation framework, they're not a catch-all solution.

Interventions using this Approach

Three Strikes: Warn, Suspend, Ban (USA)
When users report unwanted sexual advances, use a three strike system.